Streak over: positive Covid-19 tests now 142
Bermuda has recorded its first Covid-19 case since the start of the month.
The Ministry of Health said the positive test was among 145 results that came back yesterday.
The island has now recorded a total of 142 cases.
A total of six are active, including one person in hospital, although not in critical care, and the other five are under public health monitoring.
The death toll remained at nine and 127 people have recovered.
A total of 41 of the local cases came in from overseas, 84 were on-island transmissions with known contacts, 11 were on-island transmissions with an unknown contact, and six are still are under investigation.
The estimated real-time reproduction number is below 1.
Kim Wilson, the health minister, warned people should continue to be responsible and keep at least six feet away from others over the National Heroes Day weekend.
Ms Wilson said: “Don’t visit crowded beaches or parks where you cannot stay at least six feet away from others at all times, no raft-ups, and in situations where you have to be in closer proximity to others not in your household, wear a mask.
“We have to stay masked if we are going to be within three to six feet of other persons for more than 15 minutes.”
Ms Wilson told the public: “Think before you commit to a social plan. Think, is this safe? Am I being responsible? Is this plan putting me or anyone else at risk?
“If you hesitate for even a moment in answering these questions, then please, don’t do it.
“Remember, the more interactions you have with others and the more you are out and about, the more at risk you put yourself and those in your household.”
Cheryl Peek-Ball, the Chief Medical Officer, and Bermuda Hospitals Board Chief of Medicine Michael Ashton will take part in a Facebook Live broadcast organised by the Government on Wednesday at 2pm.
People can submit questions in advance on the Government’s Facebook page.
The public can also visit pop-up locations for free Covid-19 testing or through the Government’s drive-through testing site at Southside.
• To make a test appointment, visit or just show up