Walk-in vaccines available today at Washington Mall
Government has set up a mobile vaccination centre this morning at the Washington Mall for those seeking to be immunised from the Covid-19 virus.
Medics will be stationed behind Gibbons Home Store and across from Gold Standard from 10am until 2pm.
A health department spokeswoman said: “There will be doctors on site to answer any questions you have, and you don’t need an appointment. You can just show up and roll up your sleeve.
“We recommend the Close to Home mobile vaccination programme as an ideal opportunity to learn more for those people who want to hear about the Covid-19 vaccine from a trusted source.”
Attendees are reminded that they must provide ID on arrival.
The spokeswoman added: “As we have ‘under investigation’ cases, it is essential that all persons adhere to public health guidelines.
“Wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app. Do the research, talk with your doctor and make an informed decision about getting the Covid-19 vaccine. ”There is a wealth of information about the vaccines online at gov.bm.“
The spokeswoman also reminded travellers of new testing regimes that take effect from today.
Vaccinated travellers now have to be tested on arrival, and then on day four and day ten.
The testing regime for unvaccinated travellers arriving on-island remains the same.
Those quarantined at their own accommodation must test on arrival and on day 14.
Unvaccinated travellers quarantined at a Government-sanctioned hotel must test on arrival, and day 13.
Unvaccinated minors travelling with an immunised family will have an arrival test, and further tests on day four, ten and 14.
The spokeswoman added: “To be clear, there is a first 14 days test for children which applies to unvaccinated children of vaccinated parents, and those are the children whose tests will be changed from day 4, 8 and 14 to day 4, 10 and 14.
“These parents and children will be able to walk in and test on day eight, so that their children can return to school/camp after day eight.”