David Burt reveals positive Covid-19 test after cancelling engagements
The Premier has tested positive for the coronavirus for a second time, it was revealed last night.
The news came after David Burt cancelled a post-Budget press conference scheduled for yesterday.
It was also announced that the Chamber of Commerce’s annual Budget breakfast, which Mr Burt was expected to appear at yesterday morning, had been postponed until Thursday.
Mr Burt said that he had tested positive for the coronavirus on Sunday night, but that he was in good health.
He said he took a home test after he got an e-mail notification that he had been in contact last week with someone who had later tested positive.
Mr Burt added he isolated immediately and would hold meetings on a remote basis this week.
He said he had been contact tracers from the Ministry of Health, along with people “with whom I may have been in close contact over the last few days”.
Mr Burt, who contracted the virus last April, emphasised that he was fully vaccinated and had received a booster shot.
He said he underwent regular antigen tests at least twice a week – on Tuesdays before Cabinet and Fridays before the House of Assembly.
Mr Burt attended the Progressive Labour Party Founder’s Day event last Sunday where masking and social distancing were enforced.
Mr Burt said remote events this week would include the rescheduled post-Budget press conference, rescheduled Chamber of Commerce Budget Breakfast and the House of Assembly on Friday.
He added: “I look forward to returning back to the office next week to continue progressing the Government’s agenda.”