Seniors’ home gets new name for 60th birthday
The Lorraine Rest Home has been formally renamed the Lorraine Nursing Home as the facility celebrated its 60th anniversary.
Tinée Furbert, the Minister of Social Development and Seniors, said the facility was given a licence to provide nursing care services in 2018, and it was time to formally acknowledge it as a nursing home.
Ms Furbert said: “Long-term care has drastically changed, driven by increased care needs, regulation and other consumer pressures.
“Certainly, nursing homes have had challenges throughout the pandemic. However, we must always encourage quality care."
Ms Furbert thanked the staff at the facility, along with the Warwick Parish Council and Lorraine Amenities, and added that the ministry remains committed to the island’s seniors and care facilities.
“We provide grants to nursing homes to ensure access to nursing home care is available if needed,” she said.
“We also support seniors through the Office of Ageing and Disability Services to demonstrate support for adequate staffing, dignity, and safety in seniors' accommodation."