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Have an ‘indestructible healthy mindset’, recovering addicts told

Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security, attends a graduation ceremony for participants in the Right Living House programme. (Photograph supplied)

The latest class of graduates from the Right Living House programme were celebrated last week by Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security.

Four men successfully completed the programme, located at the Co-Ed Facility in St George’s, intended to help inmates battling against substance abuse.

Mr Weeks told the men at their graduation on September 14: “I appreciate your commitment to this programme and your determination to pump the brakes in reverse – away from substance abuse and commit to a healthy lifestyle driven by purpose and aspiration.

“The fact that you have made it this far and have since returned to living in our community is remarkable. You are all to be applauded for your accomplishments.”

The Right Living House programme was first launched in 2010 and to date 82 per cent of people who have completed both the residential and aftercare portions have remained in the community for three years or more without re-offending.

Mr Weeks praised those who run the programme, saying that it took everyone coming together as a family to makes the programme succeed.

He said: “As a former substance abuse counsellor who has worked with people in their battle against addiction and who have a desire for a better life, I understand, inevitably, that there will be temptations on the road ahead.

“There will be times when the road you are travelling on will get bumpy, and thoughts of old habits and routines will start to stray into your mind.

“And when that happens, I want you to think about your purpose in life. Think about those around you who care about you and depend on you. It would help if you did everything in your power to strive towards an indestructible healthy mindset.”

He said that the graduates needed to focus on where they were going rather than where they came from.

“Be proud of your accomplishments, take one day at a time, and find the strength to stay to the wicket,” he said. “Work each day on your thoughts rather than concentrating on your behaviour. It is your thinking that creates the feelings you have and ultimately your actions as well.”

Mr Weeks also noted that graduation came in the midst of the 33rd annual National Recovery Month.

He said: “The observance highlights the achievements of individuals who have reclaimed their lives in long-term recovery and honours the treatment and recovery service providers who make a recovery possible.

“I wish you much success in your recovery journey.”

Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security, speaks at a graduation ceremony for participants in the Right Living House programme. (Photograph supplied)