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Prepare your property for the winter months

To-do list: check storm shutters and blinds to ensure that they close properly (File photograph)

Dear Heather,

What should I be doing to prepare my house for the winter?

Do it yourselfer

Dear Do it yourselfer,

We are lucky in Bermuda as we do not get freezing temperatures and the problems that go with this. However, it does tend to be cooler and rainier and the days are shorter. So autumn is a great time to take care of the little things that can make a big difference for you and your home — “a stitch in time saves nine” as they say.

Here are some helpful tips that homeowners should think of checking at this time of year:

• Clean out your garage. Sometimes it is necessary to store items in a dry, protected space (such as your garage) during the winter months. Autumn is an ideal time to give the garage a clean sweep and dispose of or donate any unwanted items.

• Check your storm shutters and blinds. If your house has exterior window shutters, check each one to make sure the hinges are oiled, secure and work properly, and that the shutters secure properly both shut and open.

• Install a fire extinguisher or test existing ones. Winter is associated with darker, colder days and homes tend to feature things such as candles, Christmas trees and log-burning fireplaces.

Purchase a fire extinguisher or make sure any existing ones are checked. Also, make sure all members of the household know where it is and how to use it.

• Get up on your roof. Pick a dry day when the roof is not slippery; scan your roof to see if it needs any repairs. Also, check the recent storm has not deposited leaves in your gutters and down pipes.

• Maintain your home’s exterior. Trim back trees and branches that are hanging too close to your home.

Autumn and winter are known for unexpected weather conditions, so it is important to prevent any type of debris from falling on your home and resulting in serious damage.

• Seal or paint. Porches, verandahs, brick patios and wood decks need a protective coat to help to protect them from weather. For long-term care it is important to apply a layer of sealant to prevent weed growth, repel stains and increase the longevity of these areas.

• Fireplace. Inspect your chimney. Cleaning of your chimney is important to prevent dangerous chimney fires. Test your fireplace flue to ensure that it is tightly sealed when closed as this helps to prevent loss of heat when the fireplace is not in use.

• Chop some firewood: A few autumn blows are sure to bring down a few branches that would be useful for your fireplace. Chip and stack wood so that it can dry out for the winter.

9. Test smoke alarms. This is a simple task for homeowners but it is often forgotten about. Detectors should have a test button. If the alarm sounds, you are good to go. If not, try replacing the batteries and test again. If the alarm still does not go off, you may need a new detector. Testing these systems is a quick but very important quarterly test to perform.

Taking these steps will help to ensure that your home, most likely your largest investment, remains protected and safe from the unexpected weather conditions ahead.

• Heather Chilvers is among Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty’s leading sales representatives. She has been working in real estate for 25 years. If you have a question for Heather, please contact her at hchilvers@brcl.bm or on 332-1793. All questions will be treated in confidence.