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PartnerRe redefines segment tables

Bermuda-based reinsurer PartnerRe Ltd yesterday published changes to its financial reporting segment tables on its website.The new tables, which include an explanatory note listing the lines of business included in each sub-segment, can be found at www.partnerre.com in the Investor Relations section on the Financial Reports page under Supplementary Financial Data. The document includes historical data on both a quarterly and annual basis.The new presentation continues to include three segments: Non-Life, Life, and Corporate and Other. The Non-Life segment will now have four sub-segments: North America, Global (non-US) P&C, Global (non-US) Specialty, and Catastrophe. The Life segment remains unchanged.Paris Re will no longer be presented as a separate non-life sub-segment and its historical results have been recast into the company’s other non-life sub-segments. In addition, management responsibilities for certain lines of business and certain other treaties have been redefined, and accordingly, the historical non-life sub-segment results have been recast to reflect these changes.