Apex appoints new Channel Islands leader
Bermudian-based Apex Group Ltd has announced that Gareth Smith has joined as head of Channel Islands to manage the Group’s expanding operation and client service delivery across Jersey and Guernsey.
Mr Smith, a chartered accountant, joins Apex from Maitland where he has been a director for the past two years, the company said.
Mr Smith, who will predominantly be based in Guernsey, will report to Apex’s head of Europe, James Burke.
He will lead a team of nearly 200 employees across its Guernsey and Jersey offices, the company said.
Mr Burke said: “Gareth brings tremendous experience across both open and closed ended structures and will give us the focus we require to further develop our Channel Islands service offering.
“The acquisition of Ipes, which closed in January, has significantly increased the Apex Group’s footprint in both Jersey and Guernsey and we therefore need strong, experienced local leadership.”
Mr Smith said: “Having spent nearly 15 years of my fund administration career in Jersey and Guernsey I have a deep understanding of the local market which I look forward to utilising at Apex as it continues to make great strides in both the asset management industry and beyond.”
Apex Group, established in Bermuda in 2003, is one of the world’s largest fund administrators with $650 billion in assets under administration and more than 40 offices worldwide.