Apex initiative grows business prospects for women
A thriving internal development initiative is driving equity for female progression and diversity at all levels within the Apex Group.
The Bermudian-based global financial services provider said 51 women took part in the first year of the Women’s Accelerator Programme, with more than half securing promotions, progression or new roles following their participation in the initiative.
The accelerator, launched in 2022, is designed to accelerate the progress of high-performing female talent through the business, mending the “broken rungs” on the career ladder, eroding the gender disparity at mid and senior-management levels to provide a clear path for career progression.
More than 300 nominations and applications were received for the 2023 accelerator, with 93 women from more than 25 Apex Group offices being accepted.
Rosie Guest, chief marketing and communications officer at Apex Group and executive committee sponsor of the accelerator, said it has had an immediate and noticeable impact in its first year on how participants have progressed and the community it has built.
She said: “It has been a privilege to watch so many women across our business grow in confidence, take control of their development and flourish in their careers.
“The popularity of the 2023 programme is no surprise given the visible difference the 2022 programme had for its members. There is an energy and excitement about the programme which has given women across our business the confidence and a hunger to be part of driving positive change.”
Alice Read, Apex country head in Jersey and accelerator programme graduate, added: “The 2022 women’s accelerator programme has already had a tangible impact on my career.
“It gave me the confidence to put myself forward for the role of country head, Jersey, and I am now responsible for an office of 400 people. I’m excited to use the skills and learning I gained from the programme as I take on this new challenge and help to support other women in my team progress in their careers.”
And now the company has introduced a new, inclusive network as well.
Apex has announced the launch of The Women’s Accelerator Network, the only free-of-charge, grassroots private membership community that connects women across age groups, roles and professions within the financial services industry.
Through idea exchange, partnership, learning, mentoring and community, Apex said, the network will bring together generations of women to instigate a movement for change. Applications are currently being accepted.
Ms Guest said: “We have been on a phenomenal journey of growth as a business, and we are acutely aware that our global scale now means we have a responsibility to use that platform for good.
“The launch of the external women’s accelerator network is a natural next step in us driving change both within our business, and across the wider industry. Just as the internal programme was about addressing broken rungs in career progression for women, the external network aims to break down barriers in the same way.
“There are several women’s membership communities across the industry, but there still always remain immediate barriers — either financial or based on seniority, or both.
“Anyone can apply to the network and membership is free — the first cohort will be selected based on ensuring a diverse range of women, across age, ethnicity and specialism to facilitate an environment of mentoring, reverse mentoring and supporting change makers via a grassroots community that intends to have a lasting impact on the shape of the industry.”