S&P affirms Assured Guaranty’s AA rating
Ratings agency Standard and Poor’s has affirmed the AA financial strength rating, financial enhancement rating, and issuer credit ratings on Assured Guaranty and its operating insurance subsidiaries.
In its research update report on May 28, S&P noted Assured Guaranty’s “excellent capital adequacy and a very strong competitive position, supported by a strong presence in the US public finance market”.
It also noted its “excellent” capital and earnings, “exceptional” liquidity and its “well-diversified global underwriting strategy dominated by business written in the US public finance market”.
President and chief executive Dominic Frederico said: “Assured Guaranty’s AA rating affirmation by S&P highlights our strong presence in the US public finance market and our measured approach to insuring non-US public finance transactions.
“S&P also stated that they believe management will maintain the company’s excellent capital position as we continue to implement our global underwriting growth strategy.
“Assured Guaranty is poised to continue growing its insured portfolio to sustain and increase its store of unearned premiums, its future earnings power and its financial strength.
“Assured Guaranty continues to offer a uniquely beneficial value proposition to both issuers and fixed-income investors.”