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Union head backs island’s LGBTQ+ community

Robust defence: Armell Thomas, president of the Bermuda Public Services Union (File photograph)

An affirmation of support for equal rights for all “regardless of their sexual orientation” has been issued by the Bermuda Public Services Union.

Armell Thomas, the BPSU president, said the union stood “firmly committed to the principles of equality, inclusion and respect” alongside the Bermuda Human Rights Commission.

He highlighted: “We are dedicated to fostering a workplace culture that not only respects but celebrates diversity in all its forms.

“This includes the active support and protection of our LGBTQ+ members, who contribute significantly to the strength and vibrancy of our union.”

He added: “It is essential to acknowledge that differing views may exist within our society.

“However, the BPSU remains steadfast in its duty to ensure that the dignity and rights of our LGBTQ+ members are upheld without compromise.

“Our support is not a statement against any individual or group but a reflection of our unwavering commitment to human rights and equality for all.”

The BPSU has been asked if the statement’s timing was linked to the Bermuda Pride Gala and Icon Awards on Friday night.

The ceremony, in the Hamilton Princess and Beach Club hotel, was a short distance from the 40th annual Labour Day banquet held by the Bermuda Industrial Union.

Chris Furbert, the BIU president, appeared to make reference to the Pride awards during his closing remarks at the banquet, at which Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Minister of Public Works, was the keynote speaker.

As reported by TNN news, Mr Furbert did not name the event nearby, but told the gathering there was “another banquet” that had almost deterred him from attending because “I didn’t want to be a part of those people”.

Linda Bogle-Mienzer, an LGBTQ+ activist and labour relations organiser for the BPSU, was among awardees at the Bermuda Pride Gala, where she was recognised as a trailblazing icon in the community.

Ms Bogle-Mienzer subsequently told TNN: “The comments president Chris Furbert shared reflect a moment of deep disappointment within the labour movement, particularly regarding the intersectionality of workers’ rights and the rights of marginalised communities.”

She said Mr Furbert’s remarks “seemed to undermine the inclusivity and diversity that many within the labour movement strive for”.

Attempts to reach Mr Furbert for comment this week have been unsuccessful.

Mr Thomas’s statement closed: “We will continue to work in collaboration with all stakeholders to promote understanding, respect and unity within our community.

“The BPSU is and always will be a safe and supportive space for every member, and we encourage open dialogue and mutual respect as we move forward together.”