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Ferry problems

April 28, 2011Dear Sir,My wife and I have just returned from a wonderful week in Bermuda. There was only one negative factor in the experience, that being the Saturday and Sunday cancellation of the ferry serving those staying along the Harbour Road.We had chosen a place to stay on the Salt Kettle peninsula because of the nearby location of the ferry stop. Having arrived on a Saturday, we were immediately faced with the disappointment of not having the ferry available for the first two days of our trip. I am surprised that the Harbour Road area was targeted with the cut in service. I realise that economic times often require reduction in public services, but there is a great difference between ‘cutting down' and cutting out'.The cutting down of weekend service would still provide savings while lessening the losses to the Harbour Road guest-sites and easing the weekend workers' commuting problems. I appreciate the fact that normal busses cannot safely navigate the Harbour Road, but how about using a minibus service on weekends?GERALD HANNAHSackville, New Brunswick