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Still business as usual

May 5, 2011Dear Sir,I quote from The Royal Gazette’s article on February 4, 2011 regarding the 100 days status report that Premier Cox presented:1) “The necessary reform of Government is pivotal. During the first 100 days, ministries have been re-calibrated so that we can raise the bar and deliver with a new integrated approach to the delivery of services.”The recent public transport debacle (in particular, the lack of bus service for tourists in Dockyard) is a clear example that the Transport and Tourism ministries are hardly in the same book, let alone on the same page. Before our tourism industry is damaged irrevocably, the Minister of Transport must do the math. Aside from ruining our reputation and having dissatisfied customers, failure to ensure that adequate bus services are provided for cruise ship passengers will result in financial consequences far beyond the cost of extra bus runs.2) “There have been teething pains, but it is necessary that your Government change the way it does business. It cannot be business as usual.”Bermuda has long reached the point where it is facing a crisis with respect to frequent gun crimes and murders. As far as I can see, it has been business as usual. There are the usual condolences offered and promises of real changes being made to address this anti-social behaviour. Please consider these points:1) Gang members are serving or have served in the Bermuda Regiment (by the very nature of conscription, no shortlisting process).2) The Bermuda Regiment teaches its members how to fire rifles to kill the “enemy”.3) Although a criminal and military offence, members have access to live rifle ammunition which can be removed from the premises. Admittedly, gun crimes to date have involved handguns but it’s time to be proactive, not reactive.Perhaps some soldiers have lost sight of who the enemy is.FOOD FOR THOUGHTHamilton Parish