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Poor service on bus

May 10, 2011Dear Sir,People in public customer service need to be held at a higher standard. I refer to the service of a female bus operator on Route 7, at 3.50pm from Dockyard on Saturday, May 7, 2011.This is exactly what happened as I sat on this bus. She pulled up to the Dockyard ferry stop. There were about 20 passengers waiting to get on. There was not enough space. She opened the door, stood on the bus steps and pronounced to the oncoming passengers: “Wait a minute, I am doing my job.” She then got off the steps, went outside to the side of the bus. She then banged on the window to get the attention of the standing passengers at the rear of the bus, shouting for them to move back.She then came back to the steps, said “I can’t take all of you” then proceeded to count the oncoming passengers.Her loud tirade continued, “I am just doing my job, I should have been off at 1 o’clock, but I’m here working overtime, to help you lot.” One of the waiting passengers asked her when the next bus would arrive; she said “no telling today, Government and my bosses don’t want to pay overtime, no telling what’s going to happen today.” One passenger called to the person and said the next bus is at 4.35pm #8. She then suggested the waiting people go to the first stop if they want a seat.Her inappropriate behaviour continued. She started talking loudly to an elderly man whose back was to her and apparently touching her seat, she said, (and I kid you not): “I can’t drive this bus, with you touching my chair, it is uncomfortable, so go back, or I can’t drive.” The poor man could not move, the bus was packed. He was an old man with a breathing device in his nostrils. He was obviously not a well person. A lady standing to the front offered her arm to support the man and prevent him from touching her chair. She then pulled out from the stop, still talking loudly about her working condition and her bosses. When she arrived at the next stop, she flung open the door and proceeded with her same words, apologised to the waiting passengers, closed the door and pulled off.When she got near ‘Freeport restaurant’ a few of her friends were sitting on the grass, she called to them and said “I need some of those beers, I should be off”Anyone sitting to the front of the bus heard everything. I did not pay my $4 for this type of service! She was rude, unprofessional and a disgrace to the wonderful men and women who are doing excellent jobs as bus operators.There were people on that bus who were tired, that had walked, rode, cycled, watched or supported the End to End event. The last thing we needed was someone to spoil our otherwise lovely day.If I talked about my boss like she did, I’d be out of a job! The PTB need to have these types of people either trained in customer service or better still give their job to someone who knows better.CONCERNEDCity of Hamilton