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Amazed by bus drivers

May 12, 2011Dear Sir,Since we are looking at transport I am always amazed by some of the bus drivers. Where are they going at 50kph and faster? They are on a schedule and they are in a hurry? Makes absolutely no sense for the public, who pay them and rely on them. This is Hospitality Week and some of them do not get it. One incident I saw today as I passed a bus at a stop and proceeded along to have him catch me up (I was speeding at 50kph) and then just about miss someone waiting at the next stop, and have to stop in the middle of the road to let them on. Is there free food somewhere on South Shore? Why do the buses even go over 45kph? It's guesswork sometimes if the bus will even stop if you are waiting in the shelters. Not all the drivers are like this. Some are excellent hosts, others should be sent for retraining. Just observing.BOYD VALLISSandy