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Thanks to KEMH staff

6 June 2011Dear Sir,To the Staff of the King Edward Memorial Hospital,I would like to thank the King Edward Memorial Hospital for the care given to my wife Susie in the last few months, especially in the last two weeks. The Nursing Staff of Cooper Ward were wonderful, caring and understanding as were the Nurses and Physicians on the other units on Susie’s previous admissions.Dr Wilbert Warner, Dr David McGowan and his staff, Dr Baisden, and Jackie and Pat, a special word of thanks to all of you. We felt secure and in safe hands all the time.To Dr Raj Koppala, Raj your skill and kindness gave Susan a huge relief from the discomfort of testing and intravenous injections. We are very lucky to have someone like you on the staff.Dr Elliott, thank you for all you did.To Dr Sharon Alikhani, thank you so much.Sharon and all the Pink Ladies, whose visits kept a smile going.Big hug to Tracy, Arthur and all.Sadly Susan was not able to get through the last struggle but thankfully she passed away very peacefully.With all our sincere thanks,DR R MARTIN AND ALL THE FAMILYSmiths