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Photo was justified

June 17, 2011Dear Sir,I am responding to a letter that was placed in today’s newspaper. I won’t call any names nor give the title of the article but I think people will know what I am talking about.The article basically condemned The Royal Gazette for publishing a picture of David Cox with his middle fingers up, just after being convicted of the gangland murder of Troy (Yankee) Rollins. At the risk of being ridiculed, it is my belief that pictures like that, despite their negative presence, need to be published when people make these obscene gestures. The reason I say this is because it is the reality, the reality is that these people don’t care, and they have no remorse! We don’t need to hide the reality, we must show the jury that they made the right decision, we must show the public that we have put a killer that has no remorse behind bars, and again I say that we must not hide the reality!I predict that this man will apply to have his case appealed. He will be beseeching for a second chance in a few years in an appeals court. Now that every Bermudian that reads the newspaper (including possible judges in his appeals case) has seen this man’s lack of remorse, and absolutely nonchalant attitude towards the justice system and Bermuda as a whole, then it is more likely that this man will receive the maximum penalty and his appeal will be rejected. The photo that was published only goes to show that the jury made the right decision and it shows the importance of the conviction!ERON HILLHigh School StudentSandys