Negative campaigning
June 23, 2011Dear Sir,When I read about the latest graffiti to appear in our neighbourhood and the PLP’s spokesman saying that the PLP are conducting a “campaign that is creative, positive, informative and upholds the dignity and respect we have for our system of governance and for those who hold or seek public office”, I nearly choked on my tea and cookies. Positive and informative? What about the PLP campaigns of 2003 and 2007 where they twisted meaningful and needed UBP policy proposals to suggest that a vote for the UBP would see the re-introduction of whipping and slavery by way of a return to the plantation?The PLP may not have invented negative campaigning, but over the last two general elections they honed it so perfectly that they hoodwinked the majority of the country into voting for them, not on achievements or on quantified plans for a better Bermuda, but on unfounded emotionally charged fear of the white man returning to power. The state the country is now in is due almost entirely to the PLP Government’s mismanagement, but they will blame anybody and everybody except themselves. It’s only been 13 years since the UBP were in power so while the PLP blames the world at large for most of our economic woes, I’m sure that all the rest is due to the UBP!I have no idea what truly positive accomplishments the PLP can tout to the electorate that can justify the amount of money the PLP Government has spent to achieve them or what they can propose, that we can afford, to get us out of the financial and social mess they have led us into.POSITIVE THINKINGPembroke