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Relieve poverty now

July 19, 2011Dear Sir,The Government must do something urgently about poverty in Bermuda. Poverty continues to grow with more and more people being thrown below the poverty line. People are living in the bushes, on beaches, in cars, and the most appalling, cramped conditions with children suffering the consequences.The number of very poor people has grown tremendously over the past three years. Single mothers who have lost their jobs, and even with a job, find it difficult to pay rent and feed their families. Some are being sent to prison for debt. The situation with poverty and the effects it is having on children has reached chronic proportions in Bermuda. Thousands of people are being negatively affected, especially the children. It must not be allowed to continue.If the Government wishes to know how to resolve this catastrophe they should ask Sheelagh Cooper and their own social workers. I urge them, no, I plead with them to do something to help these people.QUINTON L EDNESSWarwick