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Fix the problem

July 18, 2011Dear Sir,The PLP loves to label anyone as “alarmist” if they criticise their government’s running of the economy, the rising crime on this island, declining tourism, or the failure of the education system. Yes Mr Editor, I believe we should all be labelled “alarmists”, because despite what the Government sees or does not see, we are all worried about the state of affairs on this island and something needs to be done. The Government should indeed be ‘alarmed’ at where we are now, and the fact that they are not and even dismissive of this fact is indeed more worrying! It is even more proof that they are completely out of touch. They should accept the criticism and fix the problem, not avoid their responsibility and play down the gravitas of these issues. Then they are lying to themselves and to the people.ONE OF MANY ALARMISTSPaget