Sledgehammer on a tack
July 25, 2011Dear Sir,I write to support the cry of Hetta Malone who wrote last week about the surprise return to the USA of her letter to Bermuda with the notation “missing postcode”. It is a pity that a sledgehammer was used to drive a thumb tack postal regulation which seems to be a massive overkill to the outside world which has much more simple regulations for huge megacities and countries. I wish for once that an overseas expert was consulted before what should have been a regulation was made a law. Now it needs a session of parliament to rectify it.I am sure that many other people would like to see our non-standard postcode reviewed, simplified and, most of all, taken off the law books so that a postal employee who makes a common sense decision will not be a lawbreaker. At the very least an amendment exempting foreign mail from the law should be passed at once. We do not need to wonder why courier mail is growing. This is one more unnecessary complication for foreign business in Bermuda. I suspect this whole thing started when Bermuda bought sorting equipment which was too sophisticated for our small volume of mail. We are the size of a small town but we have the red tape of a much larger population. Common sense can find more appropriate solutions.BERTRAM GUISHARDHamilton