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Killing the proverbial goose

September 16, 2011Dear Sir,When will this Government, and in particular its current leaders, wake up to reality? Premier Paula Cox’s statement in today paper in relation to justifying term limits for work permits “the Minister can send people home when their term limit expires to free up jobs for Bermudians” is a fallacy. In international business when the person whose term limit expires gets “sent home” (or to some other jurisdiction that is more welcoming to international business and its expatriate employees) the job moves with them. It does not create a job for a Bermudian. In fact, it probably puts about 12 Bermudians out of work: the Bermudians who clean their house, who are responsible for maintaining their garden, cleaning their pool, looking after their boat, giving their children music lessons and riding lessons; the dry cleaner cleaning all the suits needed for the international executive in the course of his business, the caterer who hosts parties for him (and her); the taxi driver who takes them to and from the airport every time they come and go.That’s nine Bermudians affected right away. Not to mention the loss of revenue at the grocery store, at the gas station, at restaurants; no one buying a new car or a new appliance. Sending one international company expatriate “home” causes a significant loss to our economy. So many have already gone; many will never come back. This government has done an excellent job of killing the proverbial golden goose. Today’s comments demonstrate that they still just don’t get it. How very sad for us all.ELSPETH A BREWINWarwick