Good Samaritans
Created: Sep 28, 2011 08:00 AM (Updated: Sep 28, 2011 08:47 AM)
Good deed : Former Dr David Saul
Dear Sir,Want to know why we return to your lovely country?We were mopeding from Dockyard to our wonderful hotel, Pink Beach Club, when we ran out of gas just past the Botanical Gardens. Along came the first Samaritan, “Tony” who secured us fuel at the nearby gas station.We still could not get the moped running. Along came our second Samaritan who fussed here, then there, and if the darn thing didn’t start right up. We were saved!His name: Dr David Saul. Can you believe it?That, my Bermuda friends, is why we just love it here. Thank you.ROBERT AND MARILYN AHEARNBinghamton, New York