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Test the market first

October 18, 2011Dear Sir,Regarding the fare increase on the Pink Route Ferries:One can expect that a marked increase in transportation fares would result in fewer passengers paying the higher fare, resulting in a negligible net increase in income. If, however, the fares are reduced to a substantially lower figure, there is an expectation that a substantial increase in the number of customers will occur. This could well result in a net increase in the income from operations.Considering the fact that the alternative to using the ferries involves fuel cost, parking cost, and tying up the family vehicle for the better part of the day, I would expect that the number of commuters using the ferries would certainly increase if the fares were considerably reduced.My suggestion to the Ministry of Transport is to institute a Pilot Term during which the fares on the Pink Route are reduced to an attractive figure. At the end of the term, the result would be evaluated to determine the future continuance or change in the terms. (As a starting point in a discussion, I would suggest something in the order of a three-month term at a fare reduction of about 30 percent)GERALD HANNAH(A frequent visitor to Bermuda)Sackville, New Brunswick