Boycott Pink Route
October 27, 2011Dear Sir,As most Bermudians surely are aware of by now, the Pink Ferry Route debacle is only the latest misstep in a long line of missteps on the part of the Government. When I first read about the 100 percent increase from $2.50 to $5, I thought it had to be a misprint. I held out hope that the delay in implementing the increase reflected the Minister's attempts to correct his obvious error. However, as we all know now, this was a deliberate action taken by the Minister of Transport. A decision such as this in these challenging economic times is neither acceptable nor logical. As of November 1, passengers on the shortest route of the ferry service will take a ten-minute journey twice a day that costs a total of $10. This certainly will not encourage public transportation usage nor a “greener” lifestyle, something I thought any progressive Government would want to do given our precarious environmental situtation. But, alas, our Government is anything but “progressive”.It is not just the Pink Route passengers that should feel indignation over this, but every single Bermudian because it is symbolic of the dismissive attitude our Government has toward the people of this country. Town Hall meetings are no longer enough of a smoke screen to feign concern when our Ministry of Transport can completely dismiss the needs of the people it serves. And, the Minister can’t claim ignorance since community member Mrs Saltus brought our concerns about the ferry fare directly to his attention. When will it end? When will the average Bermudian stop having to pay (literally) for the poor financial management of this country in the hands of our so-called leaders? When will the real culprits be brought to justice? But more importantly, how much more will Bermudians take? I encourage every single user of the Pink Ferry Route to boycott the Ferry Route effective November 1. Can we, as Bermudians, withstand the inconvenience (indefinitely) to make our voices heard through our actions? Can we let them know that we will no longer tolerate a Government that proclaims to be for the people, but acts in ways contrary to the needs of the people?I encourage everyone to car pool or walk/cycle if able into Hamilton. It won't be easy, but if we stand for nothing, we'll fall for anything.PINK RIDERS ADVOCATEWarwick