Statement boggles the mind
November 12, 2011Dear Sir,I am sorry to say this, but I am becoming very suspicious with the new PLP candidate, Stephen Todd, especially when just last week, the PLP announced Vince Ingham being appointed as a Senator.Now here’s where my suspicion comes in because both of these gentlemen are suppose to be very astute, high-profile businessmen who should be well versed in the ins and outs of business procedures, finances, budgets and balance sheets.Why then would these two knowledgeable, fine tuned businessmen join the PLP when in the past 13 years, it is blatantly obvious that all Bermuda has gotten from the PLP is poor governance, mismanagement of the public purse, millions of dollars wasted and unaccounted for, an empty kitty, cronyism, unethical but not illegal behaviour and so on. Are these two serious, or are they up to something? Should the Premier be on her guard? Or are these two planning to clean house from within? I realise that we live in a supposedly democratic society and one can choose whichever party they want, but these two astute businessmen? The mind really boggles!Mr. Editor, in this article it was stated that Mr Todd hailed the PLP as “not only a labour party, but a government that strives to represent the interests of all who call Bermuda home”. This is a statement to which I and many others completely disagree. The PLP Government has represented a select few of friends, cronies and themselves and did not care what the general public thought. They were/are top dog and they would do all of the barking so how is Mr. Todd thinking? The PLP are more capitalist than the GOP!Then Mr. Todd went on to say, “Divisiveness will not bring about prosperity, and it will not unify us as a people,” he also warned, urging Bermudians to set aside their differences and work together.I would like to know, what does he think the PLP have done in their 13 years as Government? They (PLP) are guilty of the same things that he has warned against. Bermuda is some cases is more divided than when we had segregation and as far as defining people by the colour of their skin tell that to the PLP! I personally define people by what is between their ears not the colour of their skin and I think in this day and age all sensible thinking people do.The final eyebrow raiser was when Mr. Todd was asked why he had chosen the PLP and Mr. Todd said: “I believe the PLP offers the solutions. They’ve shown during their 13 years of governance they are capable and willing.”Mr. Editor, as I said above the mind boggles! Oh well, so much for business sense or should I say common sense and maybe my suspicions were for naught!PAT FERGUSONWarwick