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Two kinds of cellphone drivers

December 23, 2011Dear Sir,There are two classes of cellphone drivers: Accidental and the other is worse.The accidental cellphone driver is the one who doesn’t really know there’s a law against such driving and when, hearing their cellphone ring, they’re scrambling to get it and when they do, they’re so into it at first and then realise: “Hey, I probably shouldn’t be doing this as I think there’s a law against this now.”The second one is a deliberate one. He or she appears to be good on the surface, but deep down inside, they hold something evil. Why is that? Because they will never accept the fact that what they’re doing is harmful to those around them. They feel they are superior to others and, get an attitude at someone they almost hit instead of themselves. Some might end up becoming hit-n-run drivers, within the new year.They literally laugh at the $1,000 fine because, they figure “these cops are too dumb to catch me”.THE DEFINITION OF A CELLPHONE DRIVERDevonshire