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Revisit this mess

March 28, 2012Dear Sir,Congratulations to Stuart Hayward and his team at BEST for their presentation last night on VSB regarding Zane DeSilva’s Middle Road Devonshire property. Mr Hayward’s talent for explaining Island Construction’s latest planning application is commendable. He may now wish to cast his net again over the Grand Atlantic Project on South Road Warwick and produce a similar exposé. The sad part about this particular development is not so much Government’s stupid 100 percent financing package or the questionable foundations on which the buildings are built, but the resultant eyesore that has been allowed to happen and the total destruction of a prime piece of Bermuda real estate.The project is architecturally devoid of anything architectural. A child in kinder garden could have drawn a more aesthetically pleasing housing estate complete with smoke coming out the chimneys. Tourist accommodation it never will be, residential accommodation is doubtful, the Ritz Carlton group walked away, a public embarrassment it is almost certain to be, a place that even vagrants avoid. The entire site should be demolished and rethought. The architect who dreamed it up (if in fact an architect was involved) obviously had a very bad nightmare and should be struck off the register and never allowed to practise again.Stuart Hayward seems to be our only hope for rational thinking. He was correct on the Tucker’s Point planning fiasco and has already flagged this project as mentioned in your article 16 March. He should be encouraged to revisit this mess and salvage what’s left at a very desirable location.WHO’S KIDDING WHOWarwick