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Grateful for honesty

April 4, 2012Dear sir,Please allow me to use this space to sincerely thank the kind gentleman who found my wallet and turned it into the Hamilton Police Station.On Monday, March 18, 2012 in the morning rush that frequently occurs on Monday mornings my wallet unbeknown to me fell out of my open handbag as I grabbed it out of my car. Luckily, there was no cash in the wallet but replacing my driver’s license, debit cards, and other ID’s would have proved very costly. When I realised my wallet was not in my bag I just assumed in my rush I had left it at home. Ignorance is definitely bliss because I spent the day without much worry or thought of it other than the inconvenience of having no lunch money. Right as I was about to walk out the office door and make my way home the phone rang, normally I just ignore 5pm phone calls but this day I felt compelled to answer. Imagine my surprise when the caller asked had I lost my wallet.Long story short my wallet had been found on Front Street where I had hastily ran from parked my car, a man only identified as Pastor Thompson found it and turned it into the Hamilton Police Station where the Officer on Duty Pc Trott was somehow able to use my ID to locate a friend of mine who knew a friend who knew how to contact me.Pastor Thompson, thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the integrity to make the right choice. Thank you for taking the time to drop the wallet off at the police station. Thank you for being in the right place at the right time and thank you for being so honest. I hope that is not insulting considering your title but I felt compelled to point out your honesty and integrity.I’d also like to thank Pc Trott who was on duty that day at the Hamilton Police Station, for using her detective skills to track me down and thank you to my good friends Terrylyn, Michelle and Angela who also played a huge role in making certain I got my wallet back. Thank you to any other unknown person who might have been involved and lastly thanks to you, Mr Editor for allowing me the space to voice my gratitude.RENEESt George’s