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Release the report

A crew from Crisson Construction begin work on removing the damaged thruster wall at the Heritage Wharf in Dockyard (Photo by Mark Tatem)

April 18, 2012Dear Sir,Where in the world do these politicians get their arrogance from? Minister Weeks states he will “consider” releasing the report into how the $4.1 million thruster wall at Heritage Wharf was damaged. Minister Weeks seems to forget that this is the public’s money that has paid for this ill constructed thruster wall and now to top it off, not only are we told by Minister Weeks that it was not needed, but that $4.1 million later, he will consider? What garbage!Minister Weeks is trying to cover up what is really a flagrant waste of $4.1 million of taxpayer monies. How can this disgraceful situation be allowed to go on and when will Bermudians step up and demand their rights to know how their money has been spent or misappropriated?I am now pointing the finger at both races in this country. When Sir John Swan mentioned independence, the whites were up in arms, Sir John was no longer invited to lunch or tea by a certain segment of the community — he was ostracised, and the PLP blacks boycotted the Referendum. So where are you people now when the PLP Government has squandered or misappropriated millions upon millions of your hard earned taxpayer dollars? Why haven’t you come out in full force to protect this Island from the greedy fingers of this Government?I have to laugh when I think of how “BAD” we thought the UBP was back in the day. The UBP scandals or disgraces were kindergarten stuff compared to what has gone on since the PLP have been in power and one thing you have to say is that the UBP left this country in very good standing when the PLP took over the reins in 1998. There was even a surplus in the kitty. I think the kitty is tucked away in some cabinet now, bone dry thanks to the leadership of EB and the then Finance Minister, Paula Cox.You know, if I went into one of the Phoenix Stores and took a bottle of shampoo without paying for it, I would be standing in front of a judge. So why are you not protesting about your missing/disappeared millions and why is there no one standing before a judge? Why are you not demanding a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate and follow the trail of the money into these too numerous to mention, scandals that have plagued this Island since Ewart Brown set his foot in the PLP door? What are you afraid of?Back to Minister Weeks. As all politicians, he has to protect his job, consequently he has to appear that he is knowledgeable and the right man for the job, when, in all actuality, he probably doesn’t have a clue as to what he is talking about. But one thing that he does need to do and that is to release that report and release it fast. We have the right to know what the report states and why at first we needed this wall and now we don’t. By the way, who keeps that $4 million, Correia Construction?As the article states, “Without that information, almost nothing makes sense about what now appears to be a stupendous waste of $4.25 million in taxpayers’ money”. And it is also correct when it says, “This is just the latest chapter in a saga that has seen multiple accusations of cost overruns, breaches of planning procedures and questionable decision-making. The public has the right to know what went wrong, so that, at the very least, these mistakes will not be repeated”.Unfortunately, this Government has never been one to operate openly.If I were some people, I would be running like a very scared rabbit by now. Remember that little nursery rhyme ditty “Run rabbit run rabbit, run run run! Here comes the farmer with his gun gun gun! Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have used the word gun!”PAT FERGUSONWarwick