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A further hardship

April 2, 2012Dear Sir,It was very unfair and a lack of compassion by Government to, in these hard economic times, increase the monthly FutureCare payments by an additional $10 without any prior notification. An increase of $10 may not appear to be much to many, but to many cash strapped 80-plus year old seniors, that $10 monthly increase which would have helped toward the payment of a monthly electricity bill will no longer be there. I’m sure there are many senior citizens who would prefer not to apply for Government financial assistance perhaps because of pride by a few and others who are reluctant because of the hassle of doing so.There are no jobs available for any seniors in the 80-plus age bracket and even those who are fortunate enough to have been able to retain a reasonable amount of good health and physical fitness are left out in the cold and those who are so blessed would love to be employed three to four hours a day for a few days a week to earn a few dollars to help toward their FutureCare insurance payments, which should be rolled back to the $375 monthly payments and those who have already paid the $10 increase should be given a credit of $10 less towards their next monthly insurance payment.In closing, I am asking this Government to do the right thing by showing more compassion in these hard economic times towards the many cash strapped seniors who really cannot afford this increase of $10 in our monthly FutureCare payments.EIGHTY PLUS SENIOR CITIZENDevonshire