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Let’s talk about family

May 2, 2012Dear Sir,I read with interest the letter from a Christopher Famous in your May 2 printing re the Progressive Labour Party being “family”. While I was amused by this analogy, I quickly thought how families break apart often in society and move on to greener pastures when things are not working out! Furthermore being part of a family isn’t always beneficial, especially when there are certain people in your family that are not trustworthy. Only recently we saw a court case where two granddaughters were convicted of stealing nearly $500,000 from their elderly grandmother. Family indeed! Please, Mr Famous, don’t talk to me about family. Family are not selfish, they look out for everyone, not just a chosen few. Family doesn’t take from family’s pension funds to replenish their own mistakes.Your saying that “I prefer when we were all poor, cause we all knew and grew together” rings true, however many of us are poorer now than we were before your family became the Government. We see only a small handful having any of this economic empowerment that I am always hearing about. So, please don’t try to confuse the general public in saying that you feel the PLP is a family. I suggest Mr Famous needs to be taking a close look at his “family” if he wants a brighter future. It is time for change! Cause I am struggling on the rock.SHARON DE SILVADevonshire