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Major changes

April 24, 2012Dear Sir,Like with any election, candidates and parties make political promises, with the hope that enough of the electorate buy these promises as pathways to paradise. This current election is no different. I have noticed a few promises made by the One Bermuda Alliance, that at best raised my curiosity, and at worst have been revealed as almost undoable in according to our current constitution. Let me list them and you can let your ownselves be the judgesFixed Term ElectionsSupposedly changing our elections to be in line with the US style every four years.Expanding the voter baseTo whom do they refer? Prisoners? PRC? Bermudians living abroad?Recall of MPsThis, as they put it, would mean if 100 or so members of a constituency where not happy with their MP they can write a petition to attempt to have this MP removed.None of these promises can even remotely be achieved without massive upheavals to our constitution. This would involve addressing the United Kingdom parliament and numerous other bodies. I don’t recall the OBA making this clear to the electorate these issues cannot be passed in the House of Assembly. I will be objective enough to allow them to reply. However as of late, for the most part the OBA have backed away when anyone challenges their positions with legitimate points.CHRISTOPHER FAMOUSDevonshire