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Letter writer’s delusions

May 3, 2012Dear Sir,I read a letter in my Royal Gazette yesterday from Christopher Famous and wondered what planet the gentleman was from, maybe “Planet Euphoria”, or he may be on some medication that makes him feel good, regardless of how bad things are.I was mesmerised by the content of his letter, and thought to myself, I will skip to the end (as it was a long letter) and find out if this was all tongue in cheek, but I resisted the temptation as it was a nicely couched and polite letter. But no, he truly believed in what he was saying. So here come my questions.Sir,Do you feel you are so much better off now than you were ten years ago?Have all the promises given when the PLP announced their platform been kept?Do you trust the words of the senior Ministers of this Government,Do you believe that this Government has greatly improved the economic situation on this Island today?Is the People’s Purse tightly and safely closed in order to be used for all the promised projects that desperately need to be done?Do you feel that Ewart Brown did such a wonderful job as our Premier, representing Bermuda with pride to the rest of the world?Do you feel Paula Cox, our present Premier, has set a wonderful example to all women who aspire to such a position, and been transparently honest?If you feel you can answer all seven questions with a yes, then in my opinion you are dangerously delusional and your perception of this tragic situation is severely flawed.You say you love and value your family and I am sure you do. Face reality with them and re-evaluate your thinking, because if this Island in the next election does not throw this Government out, you and your family and me and my family will not exist as we know it today.DIANA WILLIAMSPembroke