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Learn lessons from 2007

May 13, 2012Dear Sir,I hope the One Bermuda Alliance has learned from the United Bermuda Party’s disastrous 2007 general election performance. For example, what sounded like a good manifesto pledge to combat crime was twisted and distorted by the Progressive Labour Party’s spin doctors to equate to bringing back whipping to rouse the racial emotions of their core supporters and fence-sitters. Dr Ewart Brown knew that racial hatred wins votes. We need a change of Government that will unite all our people, so don’t blow it. Have the manifesto and every single campaign speech reviewed and pulled apart to find that tiny chink that the PLP’s spin doctors will distort. Think before you speak. Also, if they get nasty again this time, don’t sit back, play nice and turn the other cheek, or they will once again be kicking you to the opposition benches. Fight for all of Bermuda because we all need you, even if some in the PLP family who might still have a job, don’t realise it yet. We’ve been to the plantation every election since 1998 so let’s try and move forward this time and elect a party based upon record, not emotion.DESPERATE VOTERPembroke