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Hold officials accountable

May 28, 2012Dear Sir,The Premier has spoken. She has finally admitted there were financial abuses of the public purse by some Government officials. So what does that say about her credibility as a Finance Minister? Some of us have been saying for years there were abuses within the Progressive Labour Party Government and for years the PLP continuously denied this fact. Well, now the truth is out as the Premier has confirmed what was long suspected, so the question now is: “Are those responsible going to be held accountable, and if not, why not?”In my estimation the Premier should also be held responsible for negligence on her part as Finance Minister in not stopping these abuses. Now that the public purse has been turned inside out and is empty, she has the audacity to tell us Bermudians that from here on in, these abuses will not occur in the future and now wants this “clean hands” approach. I certainly do not understand the thinking of the Premier nor her blatant gall!If the Premier is trying to clean up the PLP’s tainted past because this is an election year, she has a lot of work to do. Also, if she thinks she can shake off her party’s past unethical (illegal?) behaviour before the next election, she is sadly mistaken as too much has happened — too many millions are unaccounted for — too many millions have plain gone missing and it is way too late for her to be talking about “clean hands!” In my opinion, the recent fraud case of Kyril Burgess and his wife Delcina Burrows is only the tip of the iceberg — in that case, there is still the mystery of $1 million that is not accounted for — so how about the cases that we don’t know about?I certainly don’t envy the Auditor General as she has her work cut out for her and so far, it appears it hasn’t been made easy for her to get the vital information she needs for her reports as stumbling blocks have been put in her way by the PLP Government. We all know the fight the former Auditor General had in his efforts and now Ms Jacobs-Matthews is having the same problems. This I feel is where the Governor comes into play as she answers to him and he answers to England and England is the Big Momma — and since England is the Big Momma, she should see that her children are well looked after with good governance and ethical, competent, Government officials from the Premier on down. After all, I’m sure England doesn’t want another Turks and Caicos on her hands. As for Bermuda, we, the sane, logical thinking people are already embarrassed by this PLP Government. We need a Royal Commission of Inquiry!Mr Editor, Bermuda is in a crisis. We have theft of the public purse which has been going on for some time and consequently we have a national debt of $1.5 billion and millions more still unaccounted for. There are people in our society who are responsible for this and they should be held accountable. The time has come for Bermuda to end this PLP Government as we cannot afford them. They are ruining this island. They must go! There is a book called ‘Predator Nation’ by Charles Ferguson (no relation) and it is about corporate criminals, political corruption, and the “hijacking of America” — this book seems very applicable to Bermuda.PAT FERGUSONWarwick