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Pamphlet puzzler

June 1, 4012Dear Sir,I was looking forward to receiving my PLP pamphlet and got it today. It is nothing like the others I’ve seen? I am in Constituency 17 in Pembroke. My MP is Wayne Perinchief and my PLP pamphlet is adorned with his picture and the contents are about National Security and nothing else. I wanted to know about Public Works, Tourism, Immigration and Education. Do I have to find somebody who lives in a specific Minister’s constituency to find out what I want?Had the PLP any intention of advising the public, as a public service, a single document containing facts on the whole budget, not just my MP’s Ministry, would have been mailed out. Can I ask if other residents have received data only on the Minister and Ministry closest to their constituency? If so this exercise, at the taxpayer expense, is blatant electioneering and the PLP should be made to pay for the cost of the design, production and distribution of these pamphlets.VOTERPembroke