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Sea wall won’t do

(Photo by Glenn Tucker)The sea wall at the foot of the cliff below the Grand Atlantic development in Warwick.

June 11, 2012Dear Sir,Mr Michael Weeks is getting a lot of media coverage on the Grand Atlantic lately. In my opinion, he is wrong. Why is he not taking note of Dr David Wingate’s comments on the cliff faces in this area?Mr Weeks stated that the environmentalists are not qualified engineers. I ask him if he knows the qualifications of the many environmentalists? Does he know that Dr Wingate is one of the world’s leading authorities on cliff erosion and he has stated that this particular cliff face is one of the most unstable in the world? I do not doubt that the buildings themselves have been properly designed structurally but where is the Environmental Impact Survey? This is the only survey that would mean anything in this area because this is the only survey that would take into account the effect of wave and wind action during hurricanes and storms.I personally have over a number of years observed the erosion that has happened to the cliffs and lately the erosion has increased at an alarming rate. According to Dr Wingate the wall that the developer has built at the base of the cliffs will in actual fact accelerate the erosion. The waves will hit and overtop the wall and crash into the cliff face. In fact at high tide in heavy seas the waves will be above the top of the wall. These walls are crumbling already and we have not yet had a storm since they were built.Dr Wingate has stated that global warming causing rising sea levels and increasing hurricane intensity worldwide will greatly increase the cliff erosion.Mr Weeks has also mentioned hotels on the South Shore that have not had a problem. He mentioned Surf Side. Has he seen the erosion below Surf Side? He forgot to mention Mermaid Beach and Mid-Ocean, both of which are having serious erosion problems.Where is the Gunite application that Mr Gilbert Lopes stated would be applied to the cliff face?When BEST went into the Planning Department to inspect the file it was not there. Where is it?Mr Weeks, please go down and view the cliff faces before you make any more comments.CONCERNED WARWICK RESIDENT