What redeeming lesson was learned?
June 14, 2012Dear Sir,It’s very important that adults set the right example for young Bermudians, giving them guidance on how to behave and demonstrating how to live by values that help us build a healthy society.Mr Walter Roban’s recent return to the Cabinet took place less than seven months after he resigned as Works Minister. By his own admission, the decisions that caused him to resign — giving two PLP colleagues Planning permission on disputed development plans — raised questions about the Government’s integrity and accusations of corruption.After his swearing-in as new Transport Minister last week, Mr Roban dodged answering an important question. Instead of giving Bermuda an explanation of lessons learned, Mr Roban dismissed questions saying: “That issue is finished … My resignation in November ended that, from my standpoint.”There was nothing further — no teaching moment, nothing. And the Premier, who brought him back to Cabinet, was equally unhelpful.My friends and I wanted to know what he had learned. What redeeming lesson was learned to justify his return to Cabinet?ALEXIS SWANChairman, Future Bermuda Alliance, and OBA candidate, Constituency 24