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End the neglect

June 25, 2012Dear Sir,We have run a ‘tourist cottage’ for 42 years, we meet lovely people and virtually all of them love Bermuda. But we had people recently who cared enough to write a Letter to the Editor, which was published a few weeks ago, and the following is a follow-up letter they then sent to us:“I did go online and saw my letter. It is interesting to view the responses. It seems that the issue of the Bermudan government neglecting numerous places of interest and historical value, is a recurrent and frustrating theme. I have to admit that the Bermuda we saw on this trip is not the Bermuda that we want to remember from our previous trips. I would be hard pressed to return to the Island since there are so many other places to visit where we do not have to become distressed about the condition of local attractions. Other than tourism and offshore banking, what will, hopefully, sustain Bermuda? Mike and I are concerned that Bermuda may become similar to the Caribbean islands which we have not visited in many years because of neglect by their respective governments. We hope we are very wrong. It must be frustrating for you, as long-time residents of the Island, to have to experience these changes.“Bermuda has been a shining jewel for us and we hope that we can look upon it in that same way in years to come. We do care about Bermuda and we hope you do not find us just complaining. Never, in our years of travel, have we gone to the extremes that we have regarding this visit, and that’s because we care!”I am sending the above in the hope that it may help the direction in which tourism goes.DEVONSHIRE