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PLP has no plan

June 28, 2012Dear Sir,Bob Richards and the Fitch ratings group, in their own ways, try to tell this Progressive Labour Party regime what they need to do and all the PLP can do is make silly, vague political rhetoric. The Fitch rating reduction is crying out to the PLP ... sure, you can have debt but you also have to have a plan to reduce it. It's like when I borrow from the bank — I have a repayment plan. So all Paula offers is that “we continue to invest in people”, “our plan is the same as Barack Obama's” and Neville Tyrrell chips in with “Bob Richards complains but where's his plan” ... and this is leadership?This is a Government which knows what they're doing? Hey, Mr Tyrrell, if you need Bob's advice and his plan, maybe you should just step aside and let some people with business experience deal with the problems which you Government has created. The PLP doesn't have any idea what to do and, as for a “plan”, they have never had a plan for anything. Even when they pass legislation — a type of “plan” — or institute policies — they disregard them or simply twist everything to make it work their way. Contract tendering process, political broadcasting regulations, transparency in Government, financial dealings, debt reduction — in all of these areas and many more, the PLP stick their proverbial finger in the dyke and hope for the best.And Mr Tyrrell, if you think Bob Richards is going to announce to you what the One Bermuda Alliance will do just because of your political rant ... I have a bridge to sell you. The OBA will talk to anyone on the doorstep, in the living room, face to face, and answer any questions, but the rest of Bermuda has learned a lesson in how the PLP operates with other people's ideas ... they twist them or steal them! Because they have no ideas of their own.JUST CALL THE ELECTIONSouthampton