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How you vote is a secret

July 5, 2012Dear Sir,With the fanfare given recently to the Good Governance Act, it is significant that what has not been mentioned are the principles of Good Governance that should be exemplified by the conduct of Ministers and Candidates. In Britain, all Ministers are required to sign on to a Ministerial Code of Conduct that is published and is available for all to see. It can be downloaded from www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/content/ministerial-conduct-and-guidance. Why don’t we have such a thing in Bermuda, published and available for the public to see? Those are good questions, questions that should be asked of those in charge of Good Governance and Transparency at the Cabinet Office.The guiding principle of the UK’s Code is that all Ministers should behave in a way that reflects principles of the utmost integrity a much higher standard than the “If it isn’t illegal, it must be okay” watchword that at least one of our Ministers is prepared to admit he is guided by. Integrity is perhaps especially important during election time. There are many people in Bermuda who are prepared to believe that if they don’t vote the right way, then they may lose their Government benefits, whether they be financial assistance or housing or even their pensions. Some may find that hard to believe, but as I canvass, I often hear these concerns about an all-seeing Government seeking revenge.Let’s face it; anyone who deliberately plays to that kind of fear is using tactics that can only be labelled as bullying and intimidation. Scaring members of the electorate into changing who they vote for is despicable. To those who might be affected, I would say this: how you vote in an election is a secret. No one can find out about who you voted for unless you tell them, and anyone who suggests that he or she has a way of finding out is not telling the truth. Take no notice of it. The system is designed to protect the secrecy of your decision. It’s why you step behind a curtain to cast your vote. When the time comes, be strong and base your decision on what you feel will best serve the interest of you and your family.GAYLYNNE CANNONIERCandidate for the One Bermuda AllianceSt David’s Constituency #3