Passengers left ferry confused
July 12, 2012Dear Sir,On Monday, July 9, I had the opportunity to take the 2.30 ferry from St George to Dockyard. The ride was wonderful and the summer tour students were great. At Dockyard we disembarked. We then gathered to take the 4.30 ferry into Hamilton. We discovered that the 4pm fast ferry had not arrived due to problems. The 4.30 ferry arrived packed with passengers. As they disembarked and others lined up to board, the utter confusion (not to mention rude comments) by a long-time ferry employee was embarrassing. We had lined up at the dock but the boat docked on the side.We started to move towards the boat, we were commanded to stay where we were. Then he returned to say turn around and go to the side. We (easily over 100 tourists) were not happy after having waited so long. The fast ferry appeared and another ferry guy told us to line up for the fast ferry. There began nothing less than blatant lies by the first long-time ferry employee. We were told that the fast ferry was not going to Hamilton — despite the fact that some of us needed to get to town for an appointment. We were forced to get on the slower ferry. When we were in the Great Sound, the fast ferry sped past us with a few passengers. Upon arrival in Hamilton the fast ferry off loaded its people and appeared to quickly end service. So I ask why did that employee lie (and encourage his colleagues to do likewise) to frustrated travellers? Was it so that he and the others could end work promptly despite the fact that travellers were inconvenienced by the late boats? I would certainly appreciate a response from Marine & Ports or the employee who perpetrated the lie.PASSENGERSandys