PLP?is making progress
August 8, 2012Dear Sir,Almost daily, one reads constant criticism of the Progressive Labour Party, by the One Bermuda Alliance, before it the Bermuda Democratic Alliance, and before it the United Bermuda Party. However, you never really hear how they would solve the issues facing our country. Issues, I might add, that despite the naysayers, plague many countries around the globe now. One must not be swayed by the political “politricks” and negative banter of the opposition. Crime, education, healthcare, job losses etc, are not unique to Bermuda and Bermudians. Listen to the BBC news or any US news station, on any given day. These are global issues, that the opposition wants us to believe are just “Bermuda issues”. Quite frankly, and not minimising our state at all, but Bermuda’s issues seem mild in comparison to many jurisdictions, large and small. Historically, when one observes events or dialogue leading up to any election year, you will always find the opposition in that country, trying to coerce, confuse and criticise, so why should we be any different? In essence, wouldn’t that be one of the roles of the opposition, to make it appear as though the present government is not doing it’s job, or is not doing enough of a good job. Hence the term “opposition”.We as a country, must stand strong, proud and supportive of the many, positive accomplishments of the PLP. The fruits of the PLP Government shows a party working very hard for all people. Many times, the efforts of the PLP go unnoticed, because they seem to seek no fame, other than ensuring that the right thing is done for the people of this country. A party of action. And yes, some ideas may not be perfect, definitely people are not perfect, and like life, some things may not run as smoothly as planned, but then what previous Government anywhere, can claim perfection — none! And, he who is without sin cast the first stone. One thing is certain, The PLP is truly a party of the people, for the people. It’s not a ‘black’ party, as, again, critics would have us believe. It’s a labour party, a grassroots party, a party who works to ensure that Bermuda remains competitive with the rest of the world, and that every one of its people, from the front streets to the back streets are moving forward, as one Minister says, “one street corner at a time”. A vast amount of progress is being made in Bermuda. Be careful not to be blinded by criticism.Know that, the global recession will end and life as we knew it will return, it’s already happening. However, even in that, there will always be issues confronting us. Have you heard that Rome wasn’t built in a day? Well, a ‘Better Bermuda’ won’t happen overnight, but for sure it is happening with the daily efforts ‘big and small’ of the PLP. And yes, it’s been since 1998, but the UBP had 30 years, and still couldn’t get it right for all Bermuda. Some are new, and say they have solutions, but have shared just criticism. Like the old adages say, “new doesn’t always mean better” and “grass always looks greener on the other side, til the rain stops in due course and it too yellows”. There will always be something or someone, that will incite criticism. Any doctor will tell us, that quick fixes are never the answer, new techniques need years of testing before they can even be marketed, but an experienced hand, and a consistent approach, will always produce far reaching results. PLP, you should be proud! Stay the course.DON’T BE SWAYEDDevonshire