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Change starts with self

August 12, 2012Dear Sir,Bermuda today is a far cry from days gone by, as the seniors reflect on their bygone era. Then again not only the seniors have this view! For in the last ten to twenty years, we’ve seen deterioration in morals, values, principles and general standards, of which have transcended most nations, ethnicities, corporations and even governments.Gang violence, school-age children being arrested for drug possession, allegations of Government corruption, local CEOs being charged for fraudulent deeds in US courts and the list goes on. What comes to mind for me is, that, all these things are symptomatic or indicative of a larger problem. Have we become too materialistic in this Western world capitalistic society? Every action has a consequence or reaction, reference to the previous paragraph, i.e. deterioration in morals etc.Then again is it really different? The results and concerns parallel four decades ago. Insanity! Perhaps so; repeating the same mistakes, expecting different results.I couldn’t help but think about a song, dated 1970, by The Temptations: “Ball of Confusion”. The lyrics can very well be applicable to 2012:‘People movin’ outPeople movin’ inWhy, because of the colour of their skin — Run, run, run but you sure can’t hide — An eye for an eye — A tooth for a tooth — Vote for me, and I’ll set you free — Rap on brother, rap on — Well, the only person talkin’ ‘bout love thy brother is the preacher — And it seems, — Nobody is interested in learning — But the teacher — Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration, aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation — Ball of Confusion — That’s what the world is today.The sale of pills are at an all-time high — Young folks walk around with their heads in the sky — Cities aflame in the summer time — And the beat goes on.Air pollution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul — Shooting rockets to the moon/(mars) — Kids growing up too soon — Politicians say more taxes will solve everything — And the band played on — So ‘round ‘n’ round ‘n’ round we go — Where the world’s headed, nobody knows — Just a Ball of Confusion — Oh yea, that’s what the world is today…..’Copyright 1970 Jobete Music Company, Inc.Everyone says something needs to change! Yes they’re right, Mr Editor. You know where that change begins! It starts with self. Until we all seriously become empathetic, compassionate, caring, loving, forgiving, understanding, willing, giving, sacrificial, trustworthy, considerate, non-prejudicial/judgmental, only then we become part of the solution!Until that day, God have mercy on us all!GLENN CHASEWarwick