Stay calm and carry on
August 12, 2012Dear Sir,David and Malika are out for a cruise in their boat. As the day draws to night they find themselves in an unfamiliar area. The GPS is on the blink and they don’t have a compass with them. Malika starts to arc out on David. David turns up the radio to drown her out. They cruise around in circles till they run out of gas and soon find that they are moving further and further away from land. Soon sharks begin to circle their vessel.Family, at times we may find ourselves in unfamiliar waters and instead of calmly speaking with each other to find a solution, we let anxiety or perceived dangers take over our emotions.We all need to vent at times but how much venting must be done before we address how to get back to shore? We need to negate any possible petty differences and renew our focus on the big picture.How do we stop our sons from wanting to kill their cousins?How can we help those who are out of work and struggling financially?How can we provide for our families and educate our children?How can we begin the process of addressing our own issues without pointing our fingers at others?These are the issues we face as a family, as a party and as a people. While we may argue over who did what, whose fault is this who said what and over who really loves Bermuda, the competition is licking their lips and hoping to eat us alive.A competition that says they believe in one Bermuda but is committed to the preservation of two Bermudas; one where the haves will eat hearty, continue to have and gobble up more, while the have-nots will continue to have not and must wait at the bottom of society hoping that enough crumbs will fall so that they may feed their families.We are dealing with entities that hunger to take what we have. They cannot wrestle it from us. It is ours to hand over. So do we sit down and argue while the sharks circle or do we all do what we can to get the boat moving again?Reach out to your candidates. Reach out to your branches. Involve yourselves in the party process.Marcus Garvey said it best: “Up ye mighty race and accomplish what you will.”My family, start the hands holding the brushes. “The Big Picture” has yet to be painted.Stand strong, family.CHRISTOPHER FAMOUSDevonshire