Don’t be crabs in a bucket
August 14, 2012Dear Sir,Have you ever noticed how crabs in a bucket, viciously and constantly, claw each other down, as one of them tries to climb up? I have, and it's an unpleasant and senseless activity.Well, that's exactly what is happening when we observe the daily, negative dialogue about the PLP, by the OBA, its supporters or other naysayers. Crabs in a bucket.The letter in the paper entitled “Gov't must step aside” was disheartening on a number of fronts. Firstly, because it starts off by saying, "that the newspaper does not have enough room for the many complaints reference the PLP Government”. Why do we exhale such negativity? One thing is for sure, the newspaper does not have enough space to publish all of the good and outstanding things accomplished by the PLP as they continue to move this country of ours forward.Literally, there would be no room for anything else if those good works were published on a daily basis. And, perhaps, Sir, they should be.Why must we be “crabs in a bucket?” For once, let's celebrate and praise the outstanding things done by this Government in each parish and globally. There is so much to be proud of!Secondly, the article mentions cronyism, failures and other negatives that "are claimed" to exist within the party. Truly, the PLP Government would never condone such. However, be careful, because people in glass houses should never throw stones, as our elders would say. Have we so soon forgotten the many years of cronyism, “forty-thievism”, incompetence, failures and hopelessness for all surrounded by the former UBP Government? Let me ask, in tearing down the present Government, are we saying that one must assume that the OBA will be any different from the former Government? People ask how, when some of the same faces now make up the OBA?Come on Bermuda, must we go down the road of 'make one look worse to make the other appear better? Rather than tearing down, let's work together as a country to build up. Work with our Government rather than against. For many, this tearing down, day after day, story after story, of a Government clearly committed to its people and country, is not only getting old, but is not producing the desired result. The daily condemnation of the PLP causes one to check out the story, to do some homework. And quite frankly, the answers that are obtained shed a very positive light on the works of this party, from Sandys to St George's and beyond. So, the spirit of divisiveness is not working.Trust and believe, no Government is perfect, no Government has all the answers, no Government is free of errors, no decision is always the right one, but then any former or present Government anywhere can attest to that.Lastly, and sadly, the “crabs in a bucket syndrome” is alive and well in Bermuda but must end. It's unpleasant and senseless. And, for those who have nothing good to say or write about the present Government; think that decisions made are not in the best interest of this country; believe that the PLP is all out for themselves how sad that you feel that way!We have a dedicated Government committed to the needs of all Bermuda. These are tough times, and it's easy to believe the hype when times are tough. But, can we look beyond the clouds and see the sunshine that this Government is bringing. Global data has shown that the recession is easing and we, like the rest of the world, are weathering a storm that is passing. Thanks PLP!DON’T BE SWAYEDDevonshire