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PLP?and perception

August 17, 2012Dear Sir,I’d like to point out a very important scenario to those that insist on continued support of the Progressive Labour Party. The intent was clear to seek retribution for matters that occurred in the past. It is inevitable that conflict will occur when this act is performed by ‘Government’. The community will instantly become divided, and the atmosphere for all will become doubtful, and suspicious. In our case, we all have been sitting back and watching as Bermuda is slowly, but methodically going down the tubes. In the case of the PLP in Bermuda, we have perception. It is of the belief that in effect, the government would cater or make every effort to accommodate black Bermudians for all past errors calculated by whites in the past. The results to date clearly indicate payback, but only for the chosen few. What is important to recognise is the fact that the black Bermudians, especially the men, have not been fairly reimbursed by any means whatsoever. In fact, many are far worse off. The perception of this government is that they have attained a better life for the black Bermudian, but in reality they have not.Because of this perception have politicians and some business people, shall we say, “Laughing to the bank.” But what is unfortunate is we have some supporters that cannot fathom the fact that this could be done to them, as black Bermudians, and choose to support no matter the damage done. As in some written and spoken words, I recall remarks such as, ‘Keep your eye on the prize”, and “stick together family”, and “united we stand, divided we fall”, and my favourite is, “I’d rather be cheated by a black man, than a white man”. Well, my fellow Bermudian, now you have been cheated by a black man. Lastly, I’d like to reiterate by belief that it is not right to use government as a tool to seek revenge. Government is for the people, all the people.ENUFF SAIDPaget