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Anonymous letter writers

August 21, 2012Dear Sir,I have been thinking of this for some time about all the negative comments concerning letters to your column under a pen name?Of course people should not attack others personally under the cover of anonymity as this quite simply wrong. Personal trashing of people by name with a non de plume is indeed cowardly and small.However there seems to be a school of thought that says every letter should be signed if published, I strenuously disagree. There is no reason for people to be outed for having an opinion concerning political, religious or business developments in Bermuda.If the issues are not personal then they are fair game for kudos or ridicule on their merit. Too often it appears some of us want it to be about the contributor rather than the point being made if it does not resonate with their bias or view.What is wrong with intense consideration of the position on the table without a face or name but a robust debate of the issue at hand?The OBA and the PLP government are fair game to lampoon or regale. Voters do not need to be accountable by name for expressing their views. This of course must not libel or slander, but charges of incompetence, mismanagement, cronies and yes corruption are all normal rules of engagement.Anonymous letters responsibly written and thought through are essential to a robust democracy whether pro or con for the opposition or government of the day.Charges of corruption in governance appear to evoke the most passionate suggestion of treason which of course is ridiculous! Illegality and malfeasance is another matter and needs to be proven.The characterisation as cowards of those who express their opinions without having to face the wrath and vilification by those who disagree is name calling and wrong. There always should be an avenue and forum for law abiding citizens who pay their taxes and live quiet and sedate lives to express their undying love for this administration or their utter contempt and disappointment of the status quo without penalty for remaining anonymous. They are not cowards but rather champions of what we all subscribe to,DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER!WAYNE B SCOTTSmith’s