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It’s a big mess

August 22, 2012Dear Sir,This letter is in response to Crabs in a Bucket. I don’t know where you are living my friend, but in the past 14 years under the rule of a PLP, NOT UBP or OBA, we are broke, unemployed, riddled with guns and gangs, and experiencing unrealistic health costs.We have empty apartments, homes and offices; restaurant, retail, nurseries and grocery stores are going out of business like never before. Racial divide is at its finest. We have mismanaged and misplaced public funds, of which no one in this Government will be accountable for.Our ferries and buses are broken down, and very unreliable. Government building projects are crumbling, not to mention, overwhelmed with cost overruns.Lastly we have Ministers holding meetings, engrossed in great discussions with intent for resolve, but no real means of positive progress. This would be the famous delay tactic with the PLP empty promise programme at its best. You have been misled and manipulated. If the PLP really want to succeed for the good of the people of Bermuda, they need to get out, restructure and regroup; as did the UBP. There are some responsible and passionate PLP members who can truly provide for Bermuda and would love nothing more than to do just that, but cannot with the few selfless, greedy, money hungry few within.THE FACTSPaget